The Truth About Herniated Discs

By Dean Moyer
Author of Rebuild Your Back

To hear some people tell it, you’d think that almost all back and neck pain must surely be caused by herniated discs. In fact, for years we’ve been told over and over again how the bulging disc - encroaching into the spinal canal - was pinching nerves and causing back pain, neck pain and various neurological disorders such as arm, shoulder and leg pain.

And, to make matters worse, for years we’ve been led to believe that surgery was the only sure way to correct these problems. But - like many things we’ve been told over the years - the truth turns out to be quite a different story.

Researchers are beginning to realize that herniated discs may not cause back pain at all.

And what’s more, they have discovered that herniated discs – if treated with the correct exercises - will completely heal and shrink back to their normal shape and TOTALLY DISAPPEAR.
Study Shows Herniated Discs Seldom Cause Back Pain

To get the full story we have to go back about ten years to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine involving the use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to diagnose back pain. In this study researchers (who were intrigued by the findings of several other studies concerning herniated discs) selected 98 subjects who did not have back pain or any other back related symptoms and sent them to be evaluated by MRI scans. What makes this interesting is that the evaluators were not told that these people did not have back problems.

The results were pretty astounding and sent a shock wave through the medical community at that time. What they found was that 64 percent of the test subjects came back with MRIs that showed disc problems that normally would have marked them as prime candidates for surgery… except, of course, for one little problem… and that was that they did not have back problems at all!

Over half of the test subjects turned out to have herniated discs, and a large percentage of these people - who did not have any back pain whatsoever - were diagnosed as having such things as spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis and stenosis of the spinal canal. Here are the exact findings:

The most common nonintervertebral disk abnormalities in people without symptoms were Schmorl's nodes (herniation of the disk into the vertebral-body end plate), in 19 percent of the subjects; annular defects (disruption of the outer fibrous ring of the disk), in 14 percent; and facet arthropathy (degenerative disease of the posterior articular processes of the vertebrae), in 8 percent. Seven percent of the asymptomatic subjects had spondylolysis, 7 percent had spondylolisthesis, 7 percent had stenosis of the central canal, and 7 percent had stenosis of the neural foramen. [1]

With the results of the two readings averaged, 52 percent of the subjects had a bulge at at least one level, 27 percent had a protrusion, and 1 percent had an extrusion. Thirty-eight percent had an abnormality of more than one intervertebral disk. [1]

Herniated Discs Just Innocent Bystanders?

Well, needless to say the researchers were stunned. These results called into question nearly everything that they had previously believed about herniated discs and back pain. In addition, these results clearly showed that MRIs are not reliable tools for determining the cause of back or neck pain.

After carefully considering all the facts, the research team finally concluded that - if people could have herniated discs and other spinal abnormalities and not have any back problems whatsoever - then maybe the herniated discs weren’t causing back pain after all. Maybe the presence of herniated discs in people with back pain was just a coincidence…

Conclusions On MRI examination of the lumbar spine, many people without back pain have disk bulges or protrusions... Given the high prevalence of these findings and of back pain, the discovery by MRI of bulges or protrusions in people with low back pain may frequently be coincidental. [1]

And, as I mentioned earlier, there have been a number of studies that have arrived at similar conclusions. I won’t bore you with all the details, but suffice it to say, the results of these clinical studies have cast considerable doubt on whether herniated discs have anything to do with back pain at all. And furthermore, they call into question the wisdom of diagnosing back pain with inaccurate and unreliable imaging technologies. [2,3,4,5,6... 16]
Herniated Disc Opinions Changing

Here are a few select opinions that I thought you’d find interesting:

Contributing to the rush to surgery has been the widespread use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)… But what may look like a trouble spot often is not. Abnormal-looking disks in the lumbar spine are almost as likely to show up in people with no back pain as in those with pain. That is, abnormalities that show up in MRIs are not necessarily related to back pain. And some people with severe back pain have normal-looking MRIs. [18]

The relation between abnormalities in the lumbar spine and low back pain is controversial. Previous autopsy studies, as well as myelography, computerized tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), have shown abnormalities in a substantial number of people without back pain. A recent study using MRI reported a high prevalence of disk herniation in people without symptoms and urged caution in relating symptoms to such lesions. [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]

Can disc herniation cause back pain? According to Bogduk, nerve-root compression (i.e., from a bulging or herniated disc)… is unlikely to be a common source of back pain. "There is no evidence that nerve root irritation causes back pain… " he says. [19]

Discs have been blamed as the troublemakers for years. If you had sciatica, it meant that a disc had popped out or ‘slipped’. But how wide off the mark that glib diagnosis can be. This is just not the way discs behave. Discs never slip anywhere, in or out. They simply bulge and, even when they do, that bulge may be painless and harmless. [17]

Doctors Slow to Change

Today medical experts agree that there’s very little evidence to suggest that herniated discs are the cause of back or neck pain. [20-26] Unfortunately, far too many doctors have been slow to embrace this current research. And what’s more, they still insist on using MRIs and other expensive scans even though the results are often inaccurate and misleading.

We could speculate all day as to why this is so, however, that would not get us any closer towards our goal of rebuilding your back or neck. What we need to focus on right now is the fact that any bulging discs you may have are - in all likelihood - just a coincidence.

Which means the presence of one or more herniated discs on an MRI is not a cause for alarm. It probably has nothing to do with your back or neck pain and it is DEFINITELY NOT an indication that you need surgery.

The results are back from that MRI you didn’t really want in the first place and the doctor is standing there telling you that you’ve got a couple of herniated discs… and he’s using words like ‘degenerative disc disease...’ and you’re thinking, “Oh my God, I’ve got a disease?”

And now he’s saying something else that you don’t quite get because all of a sudden you’ve got a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach and your head’s feeling a little light… but the word ‘surgery’ was in there somewhere... and you’re trying to pay attention while at the same time you’re slowly seeing your life slipping away…

So you take a deep breath and it’s, “Okay, I can handle this...” but as the realization hits you, that feeling in the pit of your stomach turns into fear and fear turns into despair and despair gives way to depression and… Hey, hold on a minute!

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. (Okay, it’s not really a secret… but it’s not exactly common knowledge, either.)

Where was I?

Oh yeah… guess what?

Herniated discs just go away.

That’s right, I kid you not. I’ve got scientific proof straight from the big boys themselves that herniated discs -– if treated properly -– will not only heal on their own, but will shrink back up and totally disappear about 90 percent of the time.
Study Shows Herniated Discs Do Heal

In a previous article we saw a number of clinical studies that indicated that herniated discs were not the major cause of pain we once thought they were. [1] And, while that’s great news, it still doesn’t dismiss the fact that we need to do something about them. After all, just because they may not be painful, that doesn’t mean they aren’t a degenerative condition.

Fortunately, there have been a number of major breakthroughs along those lines starting a few years back when two doctors set out to test a theory. A theory that is very near and dear to us here at Rebuild Your Back as you’ll see in a moment.

They decided to test their theory on 24 consecutive patients with cervical disc herniations. All the patients were diagnosed via MRI to have disc herniations greater than 4mm. All complained of arm pain and “the majority had neurological deficits,” which means there was serious nerve impingement and they were experiencing things like numbness and tingling in their arms, hands and shoulders.

What Was different About This Study

What makes this study particularly interesting for us is that the doctors decided to treat their patients with exercise instead of surgery. Which is pretty surprising when you consider that, based on their symptoms, these patients were prime surgical candidates.

I don’t think I can overstress that point. These were not just people with ordinary neck pain and minor disc bulges. This study was conducted on people who fell into the one to two percent range for whom surgery would typically be recommended. Which makes the results that much more exciting when we learn that “22 of the 24 had good or excellent outcomes” and “19 of 22 returned to work at the same job.” [2]

Only 2 of the participants actually had to have surgery, which seems to indicate that perhaps even from within the small percentage of people for whom surgery “might be beneficial” only a tiny fraction of those surgical procedures are actually necessary. [2]
Herniated Discs Simply Go Away

Many more studies involving exercise have since been conducted including several where they took people with herniated discs and checked them at six month intervals and they found that - If treated properly – the herniated discs actually healed on their own and shrank back to normal.

Here are a few related quotes that I think you’ll find interesting:

In other recent studies, sequential MRI scans done at six month intervals have shown that disc herniations more often than not are resorbed by the body. The studies found that larger disc herniations DO NOT correlate with a poor prognosis. They go away. As Ian McNab, MD said of disc herniations… “90% of patients will get better and stay better with conservative care.” [3]

I have personally seen more than 5,000 people with low back pain. And a huge percentage of these people had already been diagnosed as having irreversible disk damage, ruptured disk, degenerative disk disease and more. Yet somehow, almost all of them seem to recover without the supposedly needed surgery. [4]

The decision to do surgery is based primarily on the physical exam, not the MRI or CT scan. In fact, some of the worst looking disc herniations on scans produce very little and sometimes no symptoms at all... Furthermore, large disc herniations often shrink and totally disappear on scans reflecting the body's ability to heal. [5]

In summary, when faced with a disc herniation… Don’t panic. As long as neurological deficits are not deteriorating, observation is warranted… Consider exercise a treatment for acute disc syndrome. Most patients get well on their own and many disc herniations disappear. [3]

There is a lot of information here to digest. And it may conflict with what many doctors consider to be proper treatment for disc herniations. But such information cannot be ignored. Given the costs and potential complications from what in many cases may be unnecessary surgical intervention, caution is certainly indicated. [3]

In light of these discoveries the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons now recommends that you wait at least three to six months before deciding to have surgery unless there is a progressive neurological deficit.

And even the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research in their publication, Guidelines for Acute Back Pain has specifically stated that “the body heals itself” and they recommend that you “not rush into the surgical pathway.”
No Reason To Worry

So you see, there is no reason to become anxious or depressed simply because your doctor has discovered a herniated disc in your back or neck. And there’s certainly no reason to assume that your life is over just because you’ve developed a few bulging discs.

Many of the top medical experts in the country are convinced that herniated discs have little to do with back pain and - as we’ve seen - they now know for a fact that discs do heal and that they will disappear if given proper treatment.

This is not to say that you shouldn’t be concerned about degenerating discs, but only that you shouldn’t jump to the conclusion that a herniated disc is directly causing your back or neck pain. And whatever you do, don’t rush into surgery because of something that shows up on an MRI or CT scan.

The smart thing to do is to get started rebuilding your back or neck as soon as possible and just take care of the matter. A strong, healthy spine is well within your reach. It’s not that difficult… it costs virtually nothing… and the rewards are priceless.

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10 Essential Tips to maintain Healthy Back

1. Exercise Regularly- This does not have to be anything overly strenuous. Something as simple as a daily walk can make a huge difference.
2. Eat A Healthy Diet- Proper nutrients allow the body to repair itself easier
3. Maintain Good Posture- Are you sitting up straight as you read this?
4. Stretch Your Spine Before And After Sports- This will also help to loosen up the surrounding muscles.
5. Don't Overload Your Backpack Or Purse- Remember to carry it over both shoulders to balance the load (if possible).
6. Stretch Your Legs And Back After Each Hour Of Sitting- Whether in a car or at a desk, stretching regularly will help to keep you from tightening up or injuring yourself further.
7. Never Cradle The Phone Between Your Neck And Shoulder
8. Sleep On Your back Or Side, Not On Your Stomach- This helps to keep your spine in line and reduces the risk of hurting your neck while you sleep.
9. Invest In A Good Chair, Pillow And Mattress- When you think about the amount of time you use these things each day, it's worth it.
10. Have Regular Spinal Check-Ups- It's much easier to prevent a problem than to correct one.

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Back Pain during Christmas & New Year Season?

Christmas can be synonymous with back pain: Christmas means extra work for your back: decorating, climbing, hanging lights, falling, cooking, shopping, even traveling can all factor into added back pain. Preventing back pain at Christmas time means not only being extra careful and using good technique when lifting and decorating, but also incorporating exercises to help prevent back pain at Christmas time. More than 5,000 people fall from Christmas and holiday decorating every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That's a lot of back pain. Most men and women will suffer back pain sooner or later. As a fitness trainer, I have 13 tips for preventing back pain at Christmas time:

1. Lift with your legs, when hoisting up packages, boxes of Christmas decorations, etc.

2. When carrying boxes and packages, keep them close to your torso or side.

3. When picking up grandkids, nieces, etc., lift with your legs. Do not swing kids around.

4. When handling boxes of Christmas fare that are on the floor or low shelves, kneel or squat, rather than bend and hunch over.

5. When wrapping and unwrapping Christmas gifts, don't do it hunched over. Put the gift up on a countertop or table so that you can maintain correct posture. Better yet, work while seated.

6. Don't force a reach to decorate the Christmas tree or hang Christmas lights. Find someone taller, or use a stable stepping stool.

7. If you must use a ladder, make sure it's stable and have someone hold it at all times.

8. When carrying packages outside, first scope the path you'll be walking to make sure there's no ice or anything else you might slip on.

9. If driving for long periods, stop every hour for some stretches, walking and water.

10. If sitting for extended periods in a car, be conscious of good sitting posture; no persistent slouching or leaning.

11. If traveling by air, get up every 20 minutes and walk about.

12. Watch what you eat: Christmas time weight gain can add strain to the back and cause pain.

13. Do not skip gym workouts. Make time to take care of your body at the gym by using back exercise equipment.

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Are you suffering from seasonal allergy?

Your doctor may recommend you to train your breath sensitivity to some distinguish scents. However, some of the prescribed scents are not giving any significant benefits to your health, while others mixed and matched the ingredients to stimulate the real purpose of the treatments. The worst is you are inhaling chemical components, instead of healthy natural herbs.

Nature Creation has created the 6 essential natural formulas to train your sniffing power and to reduce your allergy symptoms. Each bottle is filled with pure 100% natural herbs and available in 6 different aromas.


Cinnamon has traditionally been used to treat toothache and fight bad breath and its regular use is believed to stave off common cold and aid digestion (Alice Hart-Davis (16 January 2007). "Chillies Are the Spice of Life". Retrieved on 2007-12-17.). It is your starting point to stimulate your morning after a long night sleep.


Lavender has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It yields a highly effective essential oil with very sweet overtones, and can be used in balms, salves, perfumes, cosmetics, and topical applications. Lavender is said to soothe headaches, aid to sleep and relaxation.


Lemongrass in some cases has been used as a mild depressant for the central nervous system (, retrieved on 2008-09-19).


Peppermint helps against upset stomachs, inhibits the growth of certain bacteria, and can help soothe and relax muscles when inhaled or applied to the skin. Other health benefits are attributed to the high manganese, vitamin C and vitamin A content; as well as trace amounts of various other nutrients such as fibre, iron, calcium, folate, potassium, tryptophan, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, riboflavin, and copper. (, retrieved on 2008-09-19)


Rosemary has a very old reputation for improving memory (Moss, M.; et al. (2003). "Aromas of rosemary and lavender essential oils differentially affect cognition and mood in healthy adults"). Another study indicated that carnosic acid, found in rosemary, might shield the brain from free radicals, lowering the risk of strokes and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer and Lou Gehrig's (Burnham Institute for Medical Research (2007, November 2). Rosemary Chicken Protects Your Brain From Free Radicals. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 2, 2007).


Yarrow has seen historical use as a medicine, mainly because of its astringent effects. Decoctions have been used to treat inflammations such as piles (hemorrhoids), and also headaches. The most medicinally active part of the plant is the flowering tops. They also have a mild stimulant effect, and have been used as a snuff. Today, yarrow is valued mainly for its action in colds and influenza, and also for its effect on the circulatory, digestive, and urinary systems (, retrieved on 2008-09-19).

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Nature Creation: The Herbal Therapy for Body & Muscle Pains

Nature Creation is an exclusive manufacture of natural hot & cold herbal therapy packs in USA.

Our products are exclusively made in the USA with 2 efficient distribution locations: Chats Worth, California in the west, and Chicago, Illinois in the East. These two strategic service locations will assist you with fast shipping time, and reduces shipping costs.

Nature Creation has a variety of programs to fit any size and type of businesses. We also provide all the tools needed to help you promote your sales volume.

For shopping center’s cart operators we have an exclusive service and tools to promote sales and to attract more customers with visual materials. If you are an existing cart operator, and would like to sell our products, please feel free to contact us to our toll free number (888) 250-2010. We will help you with set-up, paper work, selling tools and extraordinary merchandise with over 75 different fabric designs and colors, and, of course, excellent customer service.

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Back pain is a symptom, not a disease

Back pain is itself a symptom and not a disease. It is an indication that something is wrong, either with some part of the spine itself, or with the nerves and muscles in the back. Back pain symptoms vary greatly in location and the type of pain, and these factors help diagnose the underlying cause of the symptoms. Back pain can sometimes radiate to other parts of the body, affecting the neck or one or more of the limbs. The pain can be dull or sharp, and sometimes the affected area can also feel slightly warm. Back pain can also sometimes cause weakness and numbness.

Back pain causes are varied

There are several different causes of back pain, some of which are the result of temporary stress or trauma, and some indicating a structural problem or a degenerative condition.

Back pain causes can mainly be described as follows:
- Strains: The most common causes of back pain are things such as maintaining an awkward position for too long, making sudden awkward movements, overusing the back muscles, bad posture, lifting heavy weights improperly. All of these can strain the muscles and ligaments in the back, causing pain that lasts till the affected parts have recovered.
- Injury or cumulative damage: One common cause of back pain is conditions such as a “slipped disc”, in which part of an inter vertebral disc bulges out from the spine, compressing nerves and causing terrible pain. This is usually the result of suddenly lifting things with the back bent. In addition, like any other bone, the bones in the spine can also get fractured as a result of trauma.
- Degenerative conditions: Conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis affect the bones and/or joints, and the spine is no exception.
- Psychological problems: It may be surprising to know that depression and stress can sometimes cause back pain even in cases where no other problem can be detected.
- Other causes: In rare cases, cancer can affect the spine or the nerves in the spine. Infection can also occur, causing inflammation and other problems.

The treatment for back pain depends on the cause. In general however, you can use the following home remedies for back pain:
- Apply a hot or cold compress using a hot water bottle or an ice pack.
- A hot bath also usually helps. If possible, you should sit in a warm tub for a few minutes.
- Exercise in order to strengthen the back muscles. Simple stretching exercises are also useful, both when you have a back ache and on a regular basis.
- Try to relax and get enough rest to avoid both mental stress and physical strain on your back.
- If possible, get a massage. This does not have to be by a professional - a family member can do it equally well as long as they do not use excessive force. Preferably this should be done using a massage oil such as eucalyptus oil. Another excellent oil is mustard oil in which a little garlic has been fried.
- Vitamin C and calcium supplements may help, but consult your doctor before doing this.
- Cut slices of raw potato and place them on the affected area.

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Pain Relief Nutrition

Many of the health issues people suffer from today can be prevented through natural health practices and proper nutrition. This site will make you more aware of vitamins, minerals, herbs, food supplements and other natural health products to assist you in pain relief and in the improvement of your overall health. . . and maybe even "cure" you of a health problem. Why use drugs when you may have a natural cure solution?

Our bodies need more than 50 different nutrients a day, and it’s difficult (if not impossible) to obtain all the nutrients from food alone. (It is highly recommended to eat organic foods as much as possible). Part of the problem is that even the most nutrient-packed foods lose vital vitamins, minerals, herbs and other health-promoting ingredients in a variety of ways. For example, so-called "fresh" fruits and vegetables begin losing their nutrients soon after they're picked. After storing and cooking it, the nutrient content decreases even more. We also eat a lot more processed foods, which are nutrient depleted and this is why food supplements are a smart idea.

pain free coupleThe Journal of the American Medical Association published a study (March 2004) that uncovered the actual leading causes of death in the United States (in 2000). The top two were: 1) Tobacco (435,000 deaths, 18.1 percent of total); and 2) Poor diet and physical inactivity (400,000 deaths, 16.6 percent).

The average American diet is overloaded with saturated fats, trans-fats, refined flour, sugar, preservatives, artificial colors, artificial flavors and sweeteners, antibiotic and pesticide residues and many other substances that are toxic to the body. Over time this continued barrage of chemicals and empty calories leads to decreased health and quality of life and ultimately illness.

If your goal is to live a long healthy life and prevent, or help reverse any health problems, you need a healthy foundation of a nutritious diet with appropriate supplements, regular exercise and stress management. All these factors work synergistically.

Arthritis Diet

Review the Arthritis Diet page for some specific actions you can take to help solve problems you may be having with joint pain and your overall health. One factor that you need to consider is that you may be eating too many "acid-forming" foods and need to eat more "alkaline-forming" foods.

You, (along with your health care provider), are the best judge of what will help you optimize your health, prevent disease, and help to alleviate or even reverse any medical conditions you have. In making your decision, you'll both want to take into consideration such factors as your diet history, your (and your family's) medical history, a complete nutritional laboratory analysis, any medications you may be taking, the severity of your symptoms, and such lifestyle habits as smoking and drinking alcohol.

A study published in the November 11, 1998 issue of the Journal of the AMA reported a 47.3% increase in visits to alternative medicine practitioners, from 427 million in 1990 to 629 million in 1997 - a number that exceeded total visits to all US primary care physicians.

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Natural Pain Relief - Are Such Remedies Effective?

Pain is technically a part of life. Mild pains such as headaches, back pain, and joint pains are but common. But ordinary as they are, it is not right to just endure them and wait for them to pass. There are over-the-counter medicines and natural remedies that you can use to ease the pain. But between these two options, the use of natural pain relief is becoming very popular. This is because of the fact the natural way of healing proposes no acute side effects to the patient, unlike some of the over-the-counter medicines that are available today.

Natural Pain Relief

The unpredictable side effects of chemically formulated pain medicines are the main reason why natural pain relief remedies are considered to be the better option by a lot people. Not only they are as effective as prescription medicines, but they also provide an almost instant relief when applied topically or administered to the body. These herbal pain remedies can definitely stop the pain and don’t simply mask it.

Natural pain relief is type of remedy created out of all-natural ingredients. They are effective for both severe and chronic pain conditions. There are natural pain remedies that can be applied topically while others are meant to be taken on a regular basis.

While they can’t be regarded as direct drug substitute, they can truly help the people who are suffering from pains because the natural effects of these remedies are received well by the body.

The components of natural remedy for pain are ingredients derived from herbs and natural medicinal substances. For topical pain relief, menthol and Aloe Vera are usually the primarily ingredient. Menthol has been widely used in both Chinese and Indian traditional medicines as an active pain reliever. When applied on the problem areas, menthol works on the skin’s nerve endings to provide an almost immediate healing effect.

Aloe Vera is also added to natural pain relief remedies available in the market today. It’s a popular herb that can help reduce pain and inflammation. It also speeds up the healing process and works perfectly with menthol.

Aside from these two medicinal components, natural oils such as eucalyptus oil and sage oil are also used. Extracts of certain fruits and herbs prove to be beneficial as well. The studies based on natural medicine determines the right combination and proportions of these ingredients to create a highly effective natural pain relief remedy, which is also very beneficial in keeping a person in pink of health at all times.

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